Client: WHP
The procurement, fabrication and installation of the following:
-Supply and installation of 6No- antenna poles fabricated from 114.3 x 6.3 mm wall complete with 10 mm connection
-Supply and installation of 2No- Tripod Dish poles complete with diagonal bracings.
-Supply and installation of 1No- Roof- pod grillage steelwork for sector C complete with 25 x 5, 41/100 pattern flooring panels and 42 mm handrails standards and 42 mm rails, 150 x 6 flat kick along with access ladder as self-closing gate
-Supply and install 1No-Roof- pod grillage steelwork for sector A & B complete with 25 x 5, 41/100 pattern flooring panels and mm handrails standards and 42 mm rails, 150 x 6 flat kick plates along with access ladder as self-closing gate
-Supply and install 1No-cabinet roof grillage steelwork complete with 25 x 5, 41/100 pattern flooring panels and mm handrails standards and 42 mm rails, 150 x 6 flat kick plates
-Works based on CE Class 2
-Supply and installation of 12No- RRU/BOB poles for each sector secured main PFC sections as per drawing 511
-Supply and installation of 4No- RRU/BOB poles for each sector secured main PFC sections as per drawing 508
Plinths & Cable Tray
The procurement and construction of the following:
-Existing plinths to be broken out and covered with green/grey mineral felt to waterproof
-Construction of 10No- plinths 350 x 350 x 380 high for Sector A
-Construction of 2No- Steel stool plinths 150 x 150 x 10 box section Sector C
-1No- plinth 350 x 600 x 250 high for Ladder feet
-We allowed 2No- layers of underlay mineral felt followed by 1No- green/grey 3mm top mineral felt
-Main plinth design based on WHP drawings issued with tender
-All plinths covered with code 4 lead caps, 8No- lead caps will be special caps due to the location of the plinths.
-Unclip existing feeders and rope back or lay on floor ready for new cable tray installation
-Supply and installation of 600 mm wide cable tray x 24-metres to support feeders complete with 2No- bends supported on rubber blocks and heavy-duty stand-off brackets
-Supply and installation of 450 mm wide cable tray x 66-metres to support feeders complete with 5No- bends and 1No- Tee uneven Tee and heavy-duty stand-off
-Installation of new Unistrut and securing of new tray supports fixed to existing structure
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t: 01332 747400
f: 01332 747447